We Can Build Your Poly Tunnels

Earlier this month, the Cultivate London team spent a few days building a poly tunnel at the Glengall Warf Garden (home of the Burgess Park Food Project) in Peckham. Not only was it great to spend time at another up-and-coming community food growing project, we really enjoyed doing the build! Our apprentices gained some new skills as well (building a tunnel is actually quite technical!), which is great. The cold weather made tightening screws a bit difficult, but all in all it was a great few days.

If your food-growing project needs some help setting up a tunnel, do let us know! We are happy to come along and build it for you, or help out with the process. To date, weโ€™ve successfully built eight poly-tunnels, and relocated four of them!

Email Ben Simpkins, call on 075 3119 0003 or fill in the form below: