Schoolโ€™s Services

Volunteers make an important contribution to our work; we always welcome volunteers at all of our sites. If you would like to know more email

Whether itโ€™s gardening and educational sessions (currently free for Hounslow Schools) at the Salopian Garden, designing, creating or maintaining green spaces at your school, or offering an in-school educational programme for staff and students, alongside help with applying for grant funding to enhance your schoolโ€™s green space โ€“ we have something for all schools across London.

Educational sessions at the Salopian

In addition, we can now offer school sessions, workshops and events at The Salopian Garden. Enquiries for how you can get involved or hire the space can be found here.

We have run a number of successful school sessions at the garden, and received excellent feedback from these. For example:

Watching the students respond to the garden on their visit was wonderful after a difficult year and a lot of time spent in a classroom environment. Both our visits were filled with relevant tasks in the garden and some time to just enjoy the green space and peace.

The boys have been completing a unit on gardening for their Work Skills Btec and have begun to develop a school garden. They have gained both skills and inspiration from their visit to the garden and are looking forward to continuing with the gardening in Yr 11.

Teacher -The Green School for Boys

We want to run a regular and ongoing schools programme at the garden, focused on teaching young people about the link between food growing, the environment, and their health. Through discussion with local schools, we have identified a great need, and desire, for gardening, cooking and healthy eating to be included as a regular part of the curriculum. However, teachers indicate that there is a lack of in-house facilities and expertise, which prevents inclusion of the above.

Designing and creating school green space

We also work closely with many schools in West London to develop and maintain their green spaces, alongside delivering horticulture education and advise to teachers and students.