Come and learn about the great benefits of reduction, repair, reuse, and recycling within food growing and its community. Attendees will also be able to harvest fresh locally grown food, and take home to eat.
The drop-in sessions (In partnership with Hounslow Council and Heston Action Group) take place fortnightly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, each offering different food growing skills and content.
Community sessions:
When: Tuesdays, every other week
Time: 10am to 12pm
Where: Sutton Playing Fields, Community Garden
Starting date: Tuesday 28 March 2023
Ends: Tuesday 10 October 2023
Train the Trainer sessions
When: Thursdays, every other week
Time: 10am to 12pm
Where: Sutton Playing Fields, Community Garden
Starting date: Thursday 30 March 2023
Ends: Thursday 7 September 2023
More information on the classes can be found here and you can sign up here.