Education, nutrition & wellbeing

Volunteers make an important contribution to our work; we always welcome volunteers at all of our sites. If you would like to know more email

We engage people in hands-on, outdoor-based learning, linking food growing to healthy eating, helping people of all ages learn about and access fresh produce, and gain skills critical to a healthy lifestyle. Creating improved health through increased physical activity and access to green spaces for improved mental health.

Outdoor kitchen

We are working to enhance the outdoor kitchen and cooking facilities at the Salopian Garden. This will mean we can run enhanced projects to learn hands-on how to link food growing to healthy eating, helping people of all ages learn about and access fresh produce, and gain skills critical to a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you to Hounslow Council who have made this latest improvement possible.

This will mean that as many of our community members as possible can benefit from the โ€˜field to forkโ€™ experience we offer at the Salopian Garden. We will create kitchen units specifically designed to be accessible to children, elderly community members, wheelchair users and others with limited mobility. We want everyone who would like to take part in on-site cooking activities to be able to do so.

In short, new kitchen facilities at the Salopian Garden will mean more local people will be able to gain new cooking skills and learn about both food growing and healthy eating. We will also be able bring more people together, more often. There is no better way to build community than through growing, cooking and eating food together.

Volunteer Voice

As part of our volunteer Wednesdays we host a lunch seasonally where we enjoy the food from the garden with our volunteers and discuss what we do, what our plans are and most importantly get the opinions of the volunteers about what they enjoy, what they would like to see/do and in general discuss community gardening in their area. All are welcome to these sessions, follow us on social media to find out when the next one is held.