The Big Move Complete

Now we can get back to the growing!

As many of you know, at the beginning of November we moved our entire Brentford Lock/Commerce Rd site approximately 300 meters west along the Grand Union Canal. This is owing to the fact that ISIS Waterside Development has begun building the next phase of their new development on the site where we were formerly. However, they have very kindly re-located us to the far end of this site, where we are now happily set up. We would like to thank ISIS for continuing to allow us to grow here โ€“ what a great space it is!

We could not have made the move without the help of a number of community volunteers, for whom we are very grateful. In particular, Mike Freely and the rest of the crew from Octink were absolutely amazing. Not only did Octink send a huge number of people over to help us shift our four poly tunnels, as well as thousands of trays of seedlings and pots of plants, they lent us a pitchfork and a truck for a couple of days as well. So to Octink, and to everyone else who helped us out, a huge THANK YOU is in order!

Now that we are set back up, we can get back to the growing. We currently have a number of beautiful winter flowers in bud, including paperwhite daffs, pansies, primulas, polyanthus and hyacinths. We are also are currently potting on a vast number of other bulbs and flowers that just waiting to spring forth in the next couple of months. If you are interested in any of these, please do not hesitate to contact Denis Bowen and place an order ( or 07906763908). We will also be attending one last market for the year this coming weekend (22nd December) at West Ealing Farmers Market. We hope to see you there!